“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” – Helen Keller.One of our core values as an organisation is focused on improving the wellbeing of our society around us. We are driven by our passion to give hope and inspiration to our community. Our appreciation extends to Ignite Youth Organisation for allowing iHelp Foundation to be part of this year’s first Stationery Donation Drive, in partnership with VOLTZ JT. In commemorating International Day of Education, observed every year on January 24 in celebrating the role of education for peace and development, we paid a visit to Zimbiru Primary School in Domboshava. In collaboration with our significant partners, we delivered essential stationery including books, pens, pencils, rulers, e.t.c. to elementary school kids on January 28 2023.
The day had several activities lined up for the sole purpose of spending time with the children and getting to know them better. Although it was a Saturday, the kids for showed up early, with great enthusiasm and anticipation for the program of the day. This sunny Saturday started off with presentations and introductions from the school representatives, followed by a tour of this amazing school. The school students gave an impressive presentation about their school, their vision and all the projects that are currently underway for this year and the future.
Late morning was slated for tag rugby and it was a fun-filled tussle, the kids had a memorable win. The games lasted well until the afternoon, breaking a sweat which was worth the whole 74 yards. The day would remain engraved on the hearts of everyone who participated in the Donation Drive, not because of the donations. Instead of us sharing lessons with the young kids, they in turn taught us the importance of taking risks, getting back up when we fall, and to simply enjoy the small things in life.
We are currently reminded how giving back to our communities is a beacon of our humanity and builds strong relationships. To learn more about iHelp Foundation and Ignite Youth Organisation, follow us on our social media platforms.